Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Getting Started

This is my first blog posting for my project in Guatemala. Over the next few weeks, before my departure, I will be finishing up my project details. Several months ago I received the Wallenberg Grant in order to work on a cultural exchange project with a series of Guatemalan radio stations. The last few weeks has been a struggle to figure out exactly how that will take place. Once I have completed the plans I will post them to this blog but right now here is a little sneak peek. I will be leading a series of workshops devoted to story telling and cultural preservation specifically with regards to radio production. Each of these workshops will build on the last and by the end participants in the workshop should be able to demonstrate a their skills through small story production assignments. Although I will be administering these workshops I fully expect to learn as much from the experience as my own students. Stay tuned for more information regarding my project details.