Sunday, August 25, 2013

Necro Tour

last night I went on the Xela Cemetery Necro Tour. As you can probably tell from the pictures below it was a night tour of a Xela Cemetery, which is the oldest in the country. It was founded about forty years before Guatemala's independence so a lot of the history of the country is tied up in the cemetery. It was really interesting to see some of the burial sites of Guatemala's most famous artists and politicians but what was best about the tour was the art within the cemetery. Below are just a few examples of that art. The first picture is of an angel who had its head removed by an art thief.  


A few days ago I went on a trip to Tikal National Park. I have wanted to do this for a long time so actually going was a little surreal. In addition to being a beautiful tropical forrest, Tikal contains some of the largest ruins of the Mayan Empire. It was incredible to walk through these ruins and imagine what it must have been like all those years ago. Many of these buildings took hundreds or even thousands of years to build. It is amazing to think that something like that could be possible or that an group of people could exist long enough to see the construction to its end. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Lake Atitlan

The pictures below were taken this past weekend at Lake Atitlan. Atitlan is a beautiful place, although the pictures here don't do it justice. The lake itself formed inside of a crater which was left when a giant volcano exploded...which I found pretty cool. The whole area is supposed to be sacred to Mayans and many artifacts have been found in and around the lake since its "rediscovery" by Spanish explorers. Atitlan, like many things I have seen during my trip, seamlessly mixes history and natural beauty.  

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Local Oddities

Below are just a few of the unusual and interesting things I have found while walking around Xela during my time off. The horrifying taxidermic animals were found in Xela's own museum of natural history and the various murals were found on various building around town. I think the pictures mostly speak for themselves so this post will probably not be very long. The only thing I do have to say is that I have had a really good time exploring the city on my own. More fun then I ever thought I would doing something on my own. One of the things this trip has taught me is the pleasure in doing things by myself. Of course when I have the opportunity I still often choose to do something with a friend but I definitely get something else out of an experience when I do it alone. Noticing strange things like those below are evidence of that. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Comeback

Its been a while since my last post, a couple of weeks actually. Mostly the reason I have not posted anything is because my routine has not changed much since the last time I posted. Everyday I go to the station digitalize some cassettes from the civil war, hang out with some kids, go back to my hostel, and if people are around spend time with friends. I guess I'm mostly making this post to prove both that I'm still alive and that the project which I came here to do is well underway. Everything is going rather smoothly in fact. I have been able to explore Xela more since my last post and I've started to understand the city a lot more. Ive done all the tourist things available in the city (museums, historical landmarks, etc) and now I've started to branch out to some other parts of the city. I think I may have rediscovered an appreciation for exploration. This may sound corny but sometimes I walk around the city just looking around trying my best not to get lost.